Google aniverseaza ziua de nastere a lui Michael Jackson printr-un nou logo; deasemenea cateva zile este anuntata si inmormantarea acestuia. Insa desenatorii Google gresesc desenul. Nici lor nu le vine sa creada ca MJ ar fi stat literalmente in varful degetelor, si cand au facut desenul l-au facut sa stea pe varfuri asa cum stateam noi cand cautam sa ajungem la dulceata din camara.
Google is celebrating MJ's B-day. Wrong!
Google is celebrating the anniversary of Michael Jackson’s birthday through a new logo, and in a couple of days it is announced his funeral. But the designers from Google are doing it wrong. Even them cannot believe that MJ used to literally stay “on the toe tip” during his dancing routine and when they have drawn the Google logo, they have made MJ to stay on the toe tip as we were standing when looking after the grandma’s confiture on the kitchen cabinet.
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