miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2009

Stuff Journalists Like

Exista undeva pe aici pe Internet un site care face o lista pe sarite a lucrurilor care fac placere jurnalistilor:). Iata cateva dintre lucrurile placute ziaristilor... foarte mult? deloc? Bineinteles ca citatele sunt scoase din context:

#3 on the list:

"To boost your odds of having a reporter there, have free food. Journalists like free food. No really, they like free food."

#10 on the list:

"The old stereotype of the curmudgeon journalist with a bottle of whiskey in his desk is alive and well today because journalists like to drink."

Here is The List (click)

Poza de mai sus nu vrea sa spuna ca jurnalistilor pe place sa fie "cautati", ci e o poza care presupun ca le va place:)
Photo source: here

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